The AHOA (Ahozko Historiaren Artxiboa/ Archive of Oral History) is an Oral History Archive whose objectives are to collect and preserve human memories and to spread oral and audiovisual testimonies in The Basque Country.
The objective of the AHOA is the recuperation and preservation of an immaterial cultural inheritance for future generations. It also aims to promote the practice and methods of oral history.
The Archive of Oral History mainly consists of interviews with senior citizens and autobiographies. The AHOA aims to halt the loss of intangible historical heritage and guarantee the necessary conditions for its permanence for the future.
Currently the AHOA is at formative stage. The archive was created in March 2004 and already has collected invaluable oral history sources which are of extreme importance to our community.
During the last few months, the cataloguing and digitalization process of the sources of the AHOA has been taking place, a process which ensures the preservation of testimonies in perfect condition.
On the other hand, the AHOA hopes to become an important association of research Projects, to elaborate oral sources and to circulate specialized bibliography.
We hope to contribute to the recuperation of memories and to revitalize words and unique life experiences in the past and projected in a society of change.
To carry out these objectives, the AHOA is supported by various sponsors.