One of the principal tasks of the AHOA is to gather and preserve historical information trough recorded interviews which are dispersed throughout the Basque Country. This task requires looking for an localizing testimonies and life histories which is why we would like your collaboration.
Furthermore, an objective is to foster the preservation of oral history records, and as a result of this, we have digitalized and classified all the registered contributions in order to convert them into recognized material by other Oral History Archives, and at the same time impeding loss or future deterioration and favouring its utilization and circulation.
If you have any oral history record and you would like to crate you own collection within Oral History Archive of The Basque Country, contact us.
If you are aware of any Oral History records that are in poor condition, contact us, we will help you to rescue them.
If you would like you research material to have its own entity, to become part of this ambitious project of preservation and collection of human memories, collaborate with AHOA.
In the AHOA, we will provide you with professional guidance on important issues related to historical research of oral history records:
- Conducting oral history interviews and treatment and interpretation of the sources.
- Legal guidelines: intellectual property, the production and utilization of the interviews.
- Events, Conferences, seminars, research workshops and circulation of oral history records.